Beelieve Honey


Researchers believe that the performance of honey bees under organic methods show that organic beekeeping management is sustainable and supports high honey-bee survival and honey production.

Organic management is based on intervention only as needed and excludes the application of synthetic chemicals or antibiotics. This system is common among small and medium-scale beekeepers and incorporates an integrated pest-management approach that combines cultural practices with organic-approved chemical treatments for pest control.

Studies emphasized that, although organic honey-bee colony management, the apiary products from organic beekeeping systems cannot be marketed as “certified organic.” because organic certification requirements call for maintaining at least a 3-kilometer, pesticide-free radius around colonies, a stipulation that is difficult for beekeepers to meet. In general the Middle Rio Grande Bosque meets and exceeds these requirements.

One important consideration when keeping bees organically is your hives’ location and surroundings. Hives should be kept away from urban areas, commercial farmlands, or anywhere that pesticides or herbicides may be used.

Researchers believe that the performance of honey bees under organic methods show that organic beekeeping management is sustainable and supports high honey-bee survival and honey production.

Organic management is based on intervention only as needed and excludes the application of synthetic chemicals or antibiotics. This system is common among small and medium-scale beekeepers and incorporates an integrated pest-management approach that combines cultural practices with organic-approved chemical treatments for pest control.

Studies emphasized that, although organic honey-bee colony management, the apiary products from organic beekeeping systems cannot be marketed as “certified organic.” because organic certification requirements call for maintaining at least a 3-kilometer, pesticide-free radius around colonies, a stipulation that is difficult for beekeepers to meet. In general the Middle Rio Grande Bosque meets and exceeds these requirements.

One important consideration when keeping bees organically is your hives’ location and surroundings. Hives should be kept away from urban areas, commercial farmlands, or anywhere that pesticides or herbicides may be used.